The Setting Up of a Solidarity Fund for Victims of Serious Accidents


In partnership with some of the accident claims companies we work with, the idea is to set up a solidarity fund. More information can be found below.

Solidarity fund for the families of victims of fatal accidents at work or in voluntary work


Recognition of the social value of work and volunteering, supporting the families of workers and volunteers fatal accident victims, as ordered by the provincial law.


Fatal accidents:

  • workers at work (with or without compulsory insurance against accidents at work);
  • in the line of duty to:
  • law enforcement;
  • armed forces;
  • Body provincial forestry;
  • municipal police;
  • body of firefighters standing;
  • voluntary mountain rescue and caving;
  • firefighters;
  • operating structures provincial civil protection;
  • persons who perform the service of the sick in transport agreement with the APSS.
  • in the discharge of its responsibilities:
  • public administrators of the institutions of Trentino for accidents occurring after December 1, 2009 and before October 26, 2011.


The question of the intervention may be filed on behalf of the household master, by one of the partners of the victim at the time of the fatal accident.

The components must be linked to the victim by reports:

  • Spouses;
  • Cohabitation;
  • Kinship to the second degree (parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren)

Requirement of residence in a town in the province of Trento at the time of the fatal accident is the victim of family members.

ICEF indicator of the household of less than 0.36.


The maximum extent of the contribution is of EUR 25,000 for an ICEF indicator zero and is reduced proportionally with increasing ICEF indicator to zero. In the case of amounts greater than zero and less than 500 EUR, will riconosciutol’importo minimum of 500 Euros.

The contribution is further reduced in relation to the number of beneficiaries in the family and to their degree of kinship with the deceased.

Number of beneficiaries and their degree of relationship Percentage reduction

  1. Four or more components related to the deceased by the bond of marriage, cohabitation or descendants of first degree 0%
  2. Three components related to the deceased by the bond of marriage, cohabitation or descendants of First Instance of 10%
  3. Two components related to the deceased by the bond of marriage, cohabitation and descendants of First Instance of 20%
  4. A component related to the deceased by the bond of marriage, cohabitation or descendants of First Instance of 30%
  5. In the absence of the components referred to in 1. to 4., one or both parents of the deceased 40%
  6. In the absence of the components of which from 1. to 5., three or more second-degree relatives 50%
  7. In the absence of the components of which from 1. to 5., two second-degree relatives 60%
  8. In the absence of the components of which from 1. to 5., a relative of the second degree 70%


The application for the grant is submitted electronically within 90 days after the cause of death to the Agency, for through the points of information and assistance to the public and the institutions of the Province of patronage and social care.


In cases of fatal accidents in the Trentino for which it is not for the contribution of the above for lack of a requirement of residence in a town in the province of Trento at the time of the fatal accident and / or indicator ICEF less than 0.36, It is granted a contribution of solidarity:

– Transporting the body out of the province at the place of origin of the deceased;

– Provided that the burden of transport is not under other topics;

– The application submitted within 30 days from the transport.