Native American Children's Alliance - NACA Logo

Native American
Children's Alliance


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NACA Goals
  • To improve communication and networking between Native communities around the issue of child sexual abuse.
  • To provide support and information specific to the dual legal systems and other problems found specifically within the boundaries of Indian reservations and Alaskan communities.
  • To provide training and support to developing Child Advocacy Centers and Multi-Disciplinary Teams for tribal communities.
  • To create sustainability for child abuse initiatives in Indian Country.




Little girl

“Look and listen for the welfare of the whole people and always in view not only the present but the coming generations, even those whose faces are yet beneath the surface of the earth—the unborn of the future Nation.”

—Constitution of the Five Nations

To Report Suspected Abuse Please Call: 800-422-4453
Native American Children's Alliance
PO Box 18288, Cleveland, OH 44118
Copyright 2009 Native American Children's Alliance