About NACA
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  Mission• Services• Goals

Providing regional and national training to urban and reservation based communities serving children who have been victims of sexual abuse.

Native American Children's Alliance has been working since 1999 to provide support, mentoring and technical assistance to multi-disciplinary teams and child advocacy centers serving Native American and Alaskan Native communities.

NACA's mission is to promote excellence in child abuse prevention and intervention in Native American and Alaska Native communities through training, mentoring and information.

NACA's Goals

  • To improve communication and networking
  • To provide support and information specific to the dual legal systems and other problems found specifically within the boundaries of Indian reservations and Alaskan communities.
  • To provide support to developing Child Advocacy Centers and Multi-Disciplinary Teams for tribal communities
  • To create sustainability for child abuse initiatives in Indian Country
  • NACA is a chapter of the National Children’s Alliance


• Provided Annual trainings in the development of CACs for AI/AN since 1999

• Expanding outreach to Urban Indian populations

• Acknowledged for its expertise in Indian Child Advocacy Centers
Trainings to tribes include how to:
>Assess a community’s abilities to provide services
>Develop multidisciplinary teams
>Develop interagency agreements and protocols
>Increase community understanding of child abuse
> Increase prevention and intervention services
>Identify valuable resources for maintaining programs
>Prepare for accreditation by the National Children’s Alliance

• Established to enhance the safety and well-being of all Native/Alaskan Native Children

• Development of Native-specific guides/materials to support development of CACs.

Click here for more information on the two-day traing for tribes working with children who have been sexually abused



NACA Co-sponsors NICWA Conference in April, 2008

“Celebrating 30 Years of the Indian Child Welfare Act: Keeping the Promise” is the theme for

the National American Indian Child Welfare Association’s 26th Annual conference on Child Abuse and Neglect.

NACA is pleased to be one of the co-sponsors for this important event. This year’s conference will be held in Minneapolis, MN from

Sunday, April 20-Wednesday, April 23rd. This year’s conference will focus on the future of Indian child welfare and how each of us—tribal leaders, ICW workers and other stakeholders—share the important responsibility in continuing this work. NACA will present a workshop at the conference entitled, “Hope and Healing: Establishing

Native Child Advocacy Centers.” The conference registration fee is $425.00 with an Early Bird discount rate of $360.00 if you register before March 28th, 2008.

The conference will be held at the Sheraton Bloomington Hotel (866-837-4278). To register or for more information, please contact NICWA directly at: 503-222-4044 or register on-line at: www.nicwa.org/conference


NACA is affailated with the National Children's Advocacy Center (NCAC).

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©2004 NACA Updated02/10/08