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NACA Newsletters:

Winter 2008

Summer 2007


Newly Added: Guidelines for Child Advocacy Centers in Indian Country

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute's Clearinghouse is devoted to providing information to people working in Native American tribal courts.

See materials NACA collaboratively produced with the Tribal Law and Policy Insititute.

  • Basic Guidelines for Forensic Interviewers in Child Sexual Abuse Cases in Indian Country and Alaska Native Communities by Roe Bubar, J.D., is intended to provide an overview of the primary considerations necessary in the interview process when allegations of child sexual abuse arise in Indian Country and Alaska Native communities. Forensic interviews are an important part of the investigative process, require specialized training and involve complex issues. This document outlines three areas of particular concern and is not intended to be a training tool that informs or guides the interview process.

More resources to come


National Indian Child Welfare Association
The National Indian Child Welfare Association (NICWA) is the most comprehensive source of information on American Indian child welfare and works on behalf of Indian children and families.

Tribal Law and Policy Institute
The Tribal Law and Policy Institute's Clearinghouse devoted to providing information to people working in Native American tribal courts.

National Children's Advocacy Center is a non-profit agency providing prevention, intervention, and treatment services to physically and sexually abused children and their families within a child-focused team approach.

National Children's Alliance's mission is to provide training, technical assistance and networking opportunities to communities seeking to plan, establish and improve Children's Advocacy Centers

American Bar Association - Center on Children & the Law

Check out this link for information on Closed -circut Television (CCTV) & Recording for use in Child Abuse Cases

This Program provides funding, through an RFP process, for technology to record and/or transmit child sexual assault victims’ testimony. This program is funded through the U.S. Department of Justice. Child Advocacy Centers, courts, prosecutors’ offices, and law enforcement offices are eligible to apply for funding.


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